On October 6, 2013, I delivered our stillborn baby girl at 38 weeks gestation. Her name is Analin Dorthe Sorensen and we are now trying to find our way both with and without her.
As our first Christmas without her approached, I thought it would be nice to write letters to her in place of the presents she would be getting if she had lived. When I shared this idea with a few people, some were interested in writing her letters as well. Letters are also a popular form of therapy for people to connect to the loved ones they've lost.
In a time when pregnancy and child loss is starting to step a bit more into the light, I thought, why not take all of that together and one step forward? This blog was born from not only our need to connect to our baby girl, but for others to do so as well. I also wanted to help to bring this unique type of loss into the light, to help others know they are not alone and to help those who haven't lost know there is no understanding this.
Even person to person, loss and grief are so incredibly different; from how their stories began, to how they progressed and how they manage after the loss. Pregnancy and infant loss is so personal and so quiet, but the pain and grief are so incredibly loud in a time and society where we are meant to be silent about it.
As we write our letters we hope those of you who know Analin, or who feel you've come to know her, will write your own thoughts to her. As we share our joy and grief, we hope to open up a place for others who have had similar losses to share their joy and grief here as well. Connect through your blog, website, or simply through the comments.
If we have learned anything during this roughest of times, it's knowing we are not alone, that we are cared for and Analin is loved has been the best medicine for a pain that can never be healed.
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